The afternoon session after discussing traditional 'expert' leader (mainly the Principal,) was initially looking at working with our teams and models we might use.
- The bottom line is " I am doing this because.....
- Explicit instruction
- As the inquiry progresses, reference back to the data is necessary to see if there has been an improvement. If not how are others doing, their successful practice.
- Evaluation Indicators/evidence and reflections.
- Elkonin boxes will be the strategy trialled
- 10 minutes daily
- Running records, video, writing etc.. can provide evidence.
- Will give the Team Marie Clay's (Reading Recovery chapter 6 on Elkonin boxes and also Gazette 28 August article as professional reading. These can be examined and logged as part of evidence RTC 6 etc.
NEMP - c.f against national norm
E-astle (is part of the test though)
Learning Media online -Observational Schedule Reading and Writing
Student questionnaire -SurveyMonkey -remove IPS which will allow multi access from the same logins.
Moved on then to 3rs for Coaching:
- Listening with attitude LiPPI -Listen, Pause, Paraphrase effectively, Inquire.
- emphasis - understanding before we understand....
- WAIT TIME 5-7 seconds
- Paraphrasing to confirm the message -3 types
- mirror test - do you need to add ......
- Basket -gather up messages and order 1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____
- Ladder view conceptualise the ideas -underlying this is knowing the person/relationship with the person -respect/values
- Refresh -Developing a coaching culture -deliberately schedule time to actively listen -mirror, basket, ladder
- Reflect on ...
- What you would do differently
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