Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Shirley Clark Stuff
Some good reminders of being specific and precise
  • Asking why do we need to know...
  • Quality success criteria brief, succinct and visible written just before work starts.
  • Base these on PROCESS not PRODUCT
  • Oral feedback is still the best
  • 5 second WAIT TIME before starting is necessary -non interrupted thinking time (no questions)
Effective feedback:
  • Formative dialogue -delving and questioning
  • shared whole-class or group marking with teacher leading
Learning buddies working together:
  • Aim to identify successes and improvement against learning intention
  • Present paired marking decisions to the class or group
Teacher feedback:
  • Highlighting success and improvement -not for every piece of writing -children also to do this with their buddies.
  • Children to discuss their personal writing target (tracking) by tallying each time they meet it in their piece of writing. Have now included this in the goal sheet.

“Some suggestions for children marking with a response partner”

1 Both partners should be roughly the same ability, or just one jump ahead or behind, rather than a wide gap.
2 The children need time to reflect on and check their writing before a response partner sees it.
3 The response partner should begin with a positive comment about the work.
4 The roles of both parties need to be clearly defined.
5 The response partner needs time to take in the child’s work, so it is best for the author to read the work out first. This establishes ownership of the piece.
6 Children need to be trained in the success and improvement process, or whatever is being used, so that they are confident with the steps involved.
7 Children should both agree the part to be changed.
8 The author should make the marks on his or her work, as a result of the paired discussion.
9 Children need to be reminded that the focus of their task is the learning intention.
10 The response partner should ask for clarification rather than jump to conclusions.
11 The improvement suggestions can be verbal or written.
12 It would be useful to role-play response partners in front of the class, perhaps showing them the wrong way and the right way over a piece of work.
13 It could be useful to do this two-thirds of the way through a lesson, so that children can make the improvement, and continue writing with a better understanding of the quality.


Anonymous said...

Hi - I really enjoyed your thoughts.Some ideas I think I will also have a go at.

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