I have decided to try a blog as a means of a reflective journal and also as a way of keeping things I think about as a good idea, more visible and to act as a reminder of my 'gunna things' list!
Thinking about 2012 I really want to keep a few things on top and hopefully I will be able to tick the box as I complete, achieve or miss the step completely!
By end of November
#1 Set up a more specific learning goal sheet for my class -keep in profile book and review as each goal/learning step is achieved.
Here it is! Mark 3 version
Ideas for the targets:
Organisation -self management-getting ready for school day -stationery, tidy desk, Homework in class
Basic Facts: using information from Stage Based Basic Facts put e.g.s into table
Set up spelling targets then:
Copy Essential words to be learnt
Copy Schonell word group lists
Grouping of spellers
Writing: inserting features from the 'Hands" that need to be worked on
Reading: incorporate strategies, reading mileage targets, text types, expressing opinions.
#2 Complete Professional Reading: Continuing to refresh my understanding of Enriching Feedback -Shirley Clarke, think about any changes/implicatons/strategies for next year.
#3 Set my teaching goal: (apart from school P.D.)
Implement feedback techniques from 'Enriching Feedback' reading
Using tally marks as a means of pupils assessing their own progress against their writing target.