Monday, 17 June 2013

Something to Consider regarding PPts

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Really Excited!

Have now created apps for my sites and blogs. Look forward to lodging them with GooglePlay, once I get my developers account organised and create a front page for them. Already there has been interest from my class' parents to access the class blog and Homework on their androids.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Student Centred Learning Dr Vivianne Robinson

Notes from Handout and MPP
Higher achievement comes when leaders are focused on the improvement of teaching and learning
 =Five Dimensions:

Establishing goals and expectations
Sorting through and prioritising then setting clear goals. Clarity and concensus.
Resourcing strategically - PD aligned to student needs.
 Involves clarity about what is and is NOT being resourced and why
A focused rather than fragmented approach to school improvement
Importance of critical thinking skills in allocating scarce resources
Ensuring quality teaching  -Instructional Leadership. BUILDING TRUST.
More than just  goal setting but also looking at overcoming challenges and crafting solutions - e.g. teacher's classroom practice.
It's about knowing  what to do and when to do it.-knowing about effective teacher learning and school organisation.
Effective teaching maximises the time that learners are engaged with and successful in the learning of important outcomes.
Leading teacher learning and development   student learning is a collective responsibility.
Leadership that not only promotes but directly participates with teachers in formal or informal
professional learning.
Orderly safe environment for teachers and students.
Norms and routines that support cognitive and behavioural engagement
Relationships of mutual trust between leaders, staff, parents and students
Educational leaders build relational trust, in part, through respectful and inclusive problem-solving processes.
Student-Centered Leadership Dr Vivianne Robinson

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Reflection mid term.

R and K two of my Target Readers have moved on two levels respectively. I feel it is due to a variety of factors including Joy Allcock SUS programme, Toe by Toe for K, reading to other adults, high interest texts and being reading tutors for a Junior class.
I have implemented B and K using computers for their writing to see if they are able to engage more quickly with tasks. The only down side is marrying mimio pre writing to Word for them. Will review if this is working in week 8 or 9 -including their responses to working digitally.
Regarding writing, I feel I need to provide more opportunities for own choice more regularly.

The class is right into making their automatons and are able to give reasons for why things worked or didn't. It was a good move to get them to research about cogs, cams, leavers and pulleys and experience how they worked using Lego Technics -especially for the girls. In fact one of the girls and her dad created this which really helped explain how cams change circular movement into linear movement:

They are almost finished their first ones and will make another before moving onto to an area of inquiry of their own interest (puppets perhaps, or different types of toys).
I have been reading the very appropriate 'The Inventions of Hugo Cabret' to them which they are loving and have led some of them to read 'Wonderstruck' which they discovered in the school library.

2010-2013 Board of Trustees -Our Last Hurrah.

Last night we gathered for the last time to welcome and hand over to the incoming Board of Trustees. It was great to listen to my fellow board members reflect on their term/s as Board members.
On a personal note, I have found it a very enlightening experience, as the Staff Representative.
It has given me a good perspective on the governance side of operating the school, how the audit trail works in total and the underlying administrative framework, that hangs it all together.
I have enjoyed being able to contribute our staff's perspective on certain issues/ initiatives and in return, pass on the Board's positive and supportive attitude, to the staff.

I have three years of Board minutes filed away,along with a lot of very happy memories of various debates, challenges thrown up for discussion and a deep respect for the parents who very capably supported the school as trustees.

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