First of all I have set myself the goal this year of cutting down instructions into very small 'doable' steps to ensure all my class is on board and receiving the same message -especially my 'Target' pupils.
Something that has really worked has been using Shirley Clarke's 'Traffic Lights' -red for -stop I need help, orange -O.K. but not quite sure and green for go, when reflecting on their work. "the colour represents their feeling about how they’re doing at that particular moment in the session. This encourages the children to voice any difficulties during the progression of the lesson without them feeling like they’ve failed in some aspect." Clarke
It has also provided very visual feedback for me as well.
I have also started on focusing pupils feeding back - 1st "I like the way you have......." 2nd " You could use .........."
My lesson about success criteria for recrafting worked really well. I handed over to the class and the resulting chart on the Mimio was GREAT!