Thursday, 29 November 2012

Leading from the Middle and 'Bits and Bobs'

Ministry of Education - use of Data to Drive Student Achievement.

The leadership team met for the day to look at school organisation for next year, discussion of data for literacy and numeracy and the MOE continuum for Learners, Parents, Teachers, Principals, Boards, ERo etc. A progression of ideas to develop monitoring tools, -PAI -Public Achievement Information, PaCT -
This document reinforces the need for teachers to be aware that this is a system akin to the failed models from England, US and Australia. NZEI's drive -GERM is  raising awareness of the Government's agenda which includes standardisation, competition amongst teachers and schools, data driven accountability -effectively eradicating the elements that have made NZ education system one of the top five in the world. Standardisation is at odds with creativity, diversity and the individual - where does the life long learner fit with this new direction?

Progress and Consistency tool

·         A way to measure students’ progress in a meaningful, accurate and nationally consistent way.

·         A framework that supports teachers’ judgements and builds their knowledge in assessment of reading, writing, mathematics.

·         Improvement in the consistency of teachers’ overall judgements across the country and over time.

·         Tools to create reports for parents, school boards of trustees.

It is a little reassuring that some principals are realising the implicatons. Charles' Olivers opening statement to our NZEI PUM last week sums things up quite neatly:
"A clever government who had their plans for education changes long before they became the Government," Mr Oliver told the meeting of about 160 teachers from schools through the region.

"They are very clever, [Prime Minister] John Key and [Education Minister] Hekia Parata, they work towards creating crisis after crisis," he said. "A crisis like the national standards and when that's done, they create a new one and another after that."

Mr Oliver said the National-led Government was in league with right-wing governments throughout the world with a plan to create a crisis in education and impose competitive business models in "our world class schools".

That meant national standards, league tables, proposals for charter schools and performance pay for teachers, he said.
We also looked at 'Leading From The Middle p17-20 and discussed implications for us as leaders at SJHS.
Our roles are changing -if things didn't change it would indicate apathy and no progress. We have always had changes to deal with and not all have been met with open arms but we have made modifications and adjusted accordingly. However this has implications on our practice and whilst we all must be held accountable and perform to our best abilities to produce successful learners,it seems to me that this MOE latest initiative is very scary.
Ben Franklin said 'When you're finished changing, you're finished'.
Let's hope we are not finished even though we have changed!

Monday, 24 September 2012


A great way to publish work: Here is the presentation we made for our EfS celebration day.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


TKI Elearning

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Voice Threads

An interesting concept...
Video doodling
Portfolio thoughts
Book review
Thinkfinity   has some apps etc plus podcasting ideas

Tuesday, 31 July 2012


I was pleased to be given a day to update our web page to include 'Kidszone' and our Infocentre presence. I am getting good feedback so hopefully our web page is being used more regularly by pupils and our school community.
Podcasting and minicasting is going really well. Unfortunately the blogs have suffered a little because of this focus but I think the quality of writing has improved showing the influence of the Gay Byers programme. See
Being able to publish the lyrics and music for our production has given the pupils access at home to help practise the songs.
Looking forward to a Literacy based course in a few weeks -should be really helpful.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Leading From the Middle -MOE

An interesting read looking at the partnerships and networks we are involved in:
  • use of current evidence based information
  • understanding of change processes work and the schools capacity for change
  • problem solving
  • place of pedagogy
  • what leadership is
  • need for opportunities for PD
  • voice for the team
  • empowering team
  • careers and aspirations
  • being supportive
  • innovative approaches to improve learning.

Another interesting doc to consider:
  • use of current evidence based information -I think we do this quite well as a team.Alison makes this easy for us re data. I think we use Maths data well to for grouping and reporting. With writing our team has healthy debate during moderating.
  • understanding of change processes work and the schools capacity for change - a gray area here for me.
  • problem solving -I feel that our team is quite talented in this in many ways -I feel our sharing is positive and affirming.
  • place of pedagogy -I feel this is embedded into our practice -we may need however to discuss current practices/PD and how we synthesise this into our practice -class visits as we do at times with Mimio
  • what leadership is - facilitating, organising, preparing, supporting, being informed,shared vision,                           Communication, Integrity,...  

  • An interesting article:

    What Leadership is not:
    About saying the right thing, it is about doing the right thing. Read: The Leadership Minute 4 – Integrity
    About knowing what should be done. It is about (always) doing what should be done. Read: Be The One – Thoughts on Leadership
    About making decisions. It is about making intelligent decisions and understanding the consequences both good and bad. Read: Every Decision Has a Consequence
    Learned in a classroom. It is learnt from falling on your face, brushing off the dirt, and doing it again. 4 Reasons to Embrace Adversity
    About telling people what to do. It is about inspiring them to act. Read: The Art of Empowerment
    Achieved by reading books. It is achieved by applying the knowledge ascertained. Read: 5 Leadership Lessons You Can Only Get From Experience
    About your ego. It is about your lack of ego. Read: The Leadership Minute – Humility
    About never failing. It is about failing with a purpose. Read: Why Fail Gracefully

    Still need to consider how I fit with these these issues:
  • voice for the team
  • empowering team
  • careers and aspirations 
  • being supportive
  • innovative approaches to improve learning.


    Sunday, 8 July 2012

    The Voice. Plunging into PODCASTING

    Have spent many hours with a few of my class learning to operate 'Audacity' a great program once you get with it! I am keen for the kids to get a better voice in our web so have started on the path of interviewing and recording ideas aurally. What considerations they have have found out about.
    Simply plunging a microphone into someone's face does not give the expected results at all! They are now learning about how to use their voice, how to sort out what their end product should be and how they are going top achieve it. This includes preparing questions and sharing them with the interviewee and also the roles of the reporting group.
    Our first pod cast has been made and hopefully it will become a pupil lead means of recording the amazing things we do at our school.

    Wednesday, 30 May 2012

    The Ubiquitous Library 24 May 2012

    Attended a really motivating course run by Debbie from National Library Service. Aimed at creating a real and engaging presence on line as well as in the school, we looked at how other schools embed their library as part as the culture/presence of their school.
    The main foci:
    • Developing, organising and promoting your school library online and connecting with your school community.
    • Investigating and evaluating school libraries online – how visible is your school library and what are the attributes of an effective school library homepage?
    • A hands-on workshop to investigate, organise and plan a range of content for your online school library.
    It was a great reminder, as the blog I had running for last years Librarians had 'fallen off' and I had not included the Library as part of the school web - some thing I manage! DOH!!
    Hmm action is required Jan!
    We started the session looking at defining our library and the web 2.0 tools we can use.
    We then went online and had a look at the strengths and weaknesses of the online presence of some NZ schools, noting what worked really well and things to be aware of  when we plan our 'presence'.
    The bottom line is to get a Library web page up and furnish some links from it... e.g. our vision; info for parents; our librarians blog and maybe a 'What's On' link.
    This is all stuff I will need to set up but will have to do it as I have time.
    The blog page is there ready for the Librarians to get started on to be monitored by our Infocentre Manager.
    I can see the SJHS 'bookworm' being useful wee icon to use on the web page as a 'links' button for these pages.

    • Keep pages updated
    • Get pupils to drive the blog content - they know their audience!
    Think about  using delicious or Diigo for online bookmarking for favourites etc. I am go to explore using the educators facility for my class research on the Whanganui River.

    Sunday, 20 May 2012

    Cathy Cranston ..Gaye Byers...Personal Recount Writing -A slice of life.

    • Model given -A3 size or mimio -kids don't all have models initially.
    • Teacher's own writing is best.. 4 examples are on T Share in Recount folder
    • Highlight the language features... question -fire at them  -what's that? onomatopoeia, hyperbole, etc,..  why do we like the first statement - it's a hook etc..
    • 3 part structure -Intro, middle, strong ending
    • Writing a slice of life.
    What is a slice of life?
    • Not a dawn to dusk story -cut out the details...One exciting part - exaggerate.... plenty of detail.. as though the reader is there -one moment not a whole weekend/day etc..
    • paint a picture for the reader
    • It is PERSONAL recount not a factual recount/report
    The model is to help:
    • Vocabulary -extend
    • Phrases -overuse;
    • Sentence beginnings -avoiding starting with 'The" Underneath , Beside..
    • Focus on  a specific thing - adjectives; adverbs etc.. Use of ellipsis......
    • Clearly and concisely get the message across - word choice.
    • Why is it cool??
    • 10-15 minutes of priming -mat
    • 5 minutes of planning (1,2,and 3) e.g. getting the present, 2 guessing what it  is 3, what it is.
    • 20 minutes uninterrupted writing.
    • 5-10 proofing/re crafting; sharing.
    1. Description of unknown
    2. Senses
    3. Goodnight
    Going to bed:
    Grocery Shopping
    Diving in
    Washing hair
    Caught in the rain
    First ... Game
    First tooth
    Fish n Chips
    Out for Tea
    First day at class (Room 3 )

    Ideas for recount writing:

    I.T. Update!

    Well a magic happening! I have managed to stumble my way through and ... MADE A PODCAST!
    Here it is, starring some writers from my class!

    I decided to do this to publish Cameo writing in a different media .... I like it and so do the class!
    Early days yet but one more step on the way to creating Podcasts from my room!
    I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo excited!
    Will describe the steps involved sometime after Appraisals, reports etc....

    Thursday, 17 May 2012

    ICT Update

    I was very pleased to be able to help produce this wee movie about the Battle of the Mountains. It has been a great learning experience -especially for the two narrators -they have had to be very critical about their delivery, expression and volume. We used Windows Live Movie Maker and Audacity. Our next step is that the class is dividing up into small groups to produce their own movie about Maui Snares the Sun. Aleady they are talking about things they need to be aware of when narrating- watch this space!
    My major learning curve was to get a handle on using Audacity. I had spent a few hours at another school looking at the software they are using. Weebly looked quite good and I thought I might use it instead of Blogger for the class homework. I tried a few things but found Blogger is more flexible - especially when  wanting to embed HTML scripts. e.g. using Linoit

    Thursday, 19 April 2012

    Anne Giles 20 April 2012

    Teaching As Inquiry Effective Formative Practice:
    What worked well Term 1?    Goal setting/Feedback in literacy. Standing back and handing more over to pupils.
    Moving through slide show presentation:
    Pedagogy – the how of learning.
    Handing over to pupils -kids putting stuff on walls - write Learning Intentions
    "Our Room"
    P34-35 NZ Curriculum
    What makes me interested, means something for me, I can use it, I can follow up with it -time to process it.
    What does successful learning look like?
    Talk -helpful/unhelpful talk - Diana Pardoe book
    Learning Intention -what does this mean to kids?? Do they understand the why? Can they show how it is embedded  in their work.
    Do kids expect not understand -
    Class discussion - do the pupils really know what is the focus?? They may look engaged -are they?
    Talking Partners -means engaged -the partner/s are able to talk about what they think about...
    Are we giving the right message? - too much focus on surface feedback
    RESPOND TO THE MESSAGE -what they have written.
    Don't write down -LI's do it orally.
    At Years 5-8 the trick is for kids to learn how to manipulate texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
    So what is the overall learning intention for writing?
    To communicate a message effectively to a reader.
    It will require effective and accurate use of the feature areas - both deeper and surface features - to create an effective message.
    Determining the purpose and the audience is critical to achieving the overall learning intention.

              At Years 5-8 the trick is for kids to learn how to manipulate texts for a variety of purposes and audiences
              What are the students ‘getting better at’?
              Think about the genre as the text form or the type in which to practise the skill
              So what is the overall learning intention for writing?
              To communicate a message effectively to a reader.
              It will require effective and accurate use of the feature areas - both deeper and surface features -to create an effective message.
              Determining the purpose and the audience is critical to
              achieving the overall learning intention.
    Audience and Purpose
              Who was the intended audience?
              Who was the writer aiming this piece at?
              Who was it written for?
              What was the author’s purpose?
              Why did the writer write this?
              What message did the writer want to communicate?
    Writing learning intentions and success criteria
              Criteria need to be co-constructed with students based on looking at some models or exemplars
              Each one of the criteria may become a learning intention for explicit instruction e.g. ‘WALT put   our ideas in order’ breaks down to:
              number my plan
              have a beginning, middle and end
              use paragraphs to develop each point
              start with the main information
              add detail to elaborate on the main points
              new paragraph when you have a new point to make

    Year Five and Six:  Key Purpose  Writing and AUDIENCE - write for two different audiences.of
    Best Pets:
    Text organisation vs quality features
    We are learning to persuade
    • Persuasive language - may use emotive vocab - my own voice
    • Ideas/reasons in paragraphs
    • Use conjunctions like ‘because,’ ‘although’ and ‘however’ to justify
    • May use exclamation marks to emphasise points
    • Correct spelling and grammar
    Quality Features:
    • ideas in order
    • voice
    • different sentence/structures/ BUT !! = imperative! oral reading
    • language features - vocab -adjectives (use of highlighters) correct punctuation , spelling grammar and layout.
    • compound,complex sentences.
    Get kids to look at other kid's work
    Have a piece of writing to glue into their books -kids then highlight/annotate -I highlight/you highlight.
    Give feedback around the way the writer has used -vocab or voice..
    Reflecting on models/exemplars.
    Text Organisation vs Quality Features
    We are Learning to Persuade.  Anne will send to us
    Pupils need to see factual description and poetic writing -Y5 and Y6s especially need to be able to see the difference. Understanding of audience.
    Feedback Prompts - Shirley Clark
    Designed for distance marking
    1. Reminder
    2. Scaffolded prompt - the best kind
    3. An example Prompt
    Do prompts with your worst writer for the first week and see what  happens.. improvement !
    Success improvement strategy:
    Highlight 2 places where you think the writer has described the person particularly well.
    Reminder prompt:
    put arrow in margin and underline the part you want the pupil to improve
    then put an arrow underneath where you want the improvement...-say more about his good attitude.
    Scaffolded prompt.. (unfinished sentence is a good one.. one day I played.....) must have ......
    He ....... which shows he has a good attitude. He showed he has a good attitude when.....
    Two unfinished sentences is enough.
    Or for a limited writer set up unfinished sentences.
    On the weekend ........
    It was.....
    pick on a special aspect
    The kites were.....
    Picture plans:
    3 step picture plans with arrows in between -gives order,paragraphs sequence..write about one today one tomorrow and finish the last the next day. 
    Example Prompt
    Gives the kids an actual choice of words or phrases:
    He has a good attitude because he is always plays fair.
    He is respectful and supportive to other when he
    Children will often use something that they have revised - teach how to insert - use and arrow. 
    Kids highlight what they have done well and looking at their next step to do -comments on Post Its
    have you used any smart verbs?
    Self assessment -highlighting the elements of success e.g.:
    Pink if you have used emotive vocab
    Green -different sentence beginnings - highlight first two words of the sentences

    Discussion - show me the smart verbs you have used.

    Get parents to give feedback as well -give them scaffolds - I like the way .. has.....
    Ask kids what good learning looks like..
    Get them to be learning detectives - times when there is good talk

    This week ask the pupils:
    How do we learn things???
    Not just a school -tying shoelaces etc...
    What does a successful learner do..
    P6 of slide show sheets - conversations
    Learner's need:..
    to know what they are learning, the purposes for learning and how it 'fits' into the bigger picture
    to know what is expected of them
    to be fully involved on the learning process developing skills they need to identify how they are doing,what they need to do next and how to close the gap
    time to reflect, to ask questions and to seek solutions, to talk to and to collaborate with peers and adults.

    Puzzle pieces exercises -talking partners are SO important but give them good criteria, models, and scaffolding feedback comments.
    Shirley Clarke -Active learning through formative assessment -talking buddies.

    Kids can make up own codes for editing -paragraph spelling etc..

    Mimio Magic 19 April 2012

    Have experimented using scribd as a host to link to. I tried to embed by notes as html and also as a page flipper -no result. Have yet to learn how to embed pdf into blogger if this is possible??
    Anyway click on graphic to read my notes:

    Sunday, 15 April 2012

    End of Term Reflection

    What an overloaded term, Term One seemed to be with so much happening and all we covered over a short time. There were some real highlights such as camp, leading the Support Staff through using the mimo (-what a great group of ladies they are and really interested and motivated to have a go) and some of the writing the kids are producing. Also the way the kids are goal setting and being more reflective about their work is really great. I have had good feedback about Storybird -especially fromTC's mum.
    However, I feel I need to get some real continuity going this next term especially in my reading programme which has been OK but not really humming.
     I feel pretty down about getting my target kids up to scratch - the boys that is -hopefully the agencies -such as the C& A M H Support and RTLB will be helpful in giving strategies that may be effective. It is also hard when one child can have such a negative effect on the class -myself included, because of his unpredictable behaviour.
    This week is the last week of the break and I have to get geared up with syndicate organisation -newsletter, etc.., mimio PD etc.. back to school shortly I think.
    I need to look at what needs to go on the kids blog - not much has been done here, perhaps get a digital toolkit going for the kids -thanks to Jacqui Sharp, also get a handle on Google docs for Ed.

    Monday, 9 April 2012

    Learn, Create, Share

    It was well worth attending the presentation by Dorothy Burt about the Maniakalani network she is involved in - a cluster of low decile schools in Auckland. her school Pt England is firmly committed to ICT's and is certainly made me wonder where our staff see the place of ICT's. I was interested to see the use of Google apps and I certainly need to continue sorting out access etc.. for my class. I really need to do the on line tutorials -maybe these holidays...??
    I found it fascinating to see what the cluster is doing but it also made me keenly aware that in terms of technology I am blundering about in a dark room -literally feeling my way, with the occasional light showing under the door!
    I was interested to see that mimio's did not seem to feature in classroom practice but I could be wrong.
    It was great to see video making, music, animation being included as part of the literacy programme -a good re look at what I do with my class. I did ask my class about having individual blogs but there was sort of a horrified hush when I mentioned it - they prefer to have a class blog -(not so much work involved was the consensus).
    It was good to see how Google docs are being used and how pupils take screen shots of on line programs they are using to show where they are up to. I found it interesting also the sharing of  Google docs rather than one pupil producing their work.
    Freeware mentioned was: Mathwizz; pixlr -photo editing ; vimeo ;animoto - video slideshare.
    A good presentation but the fourth meeting for the in the last week of term...........

    Monday, 19 March 2012

    Thank You Kate!

    It is so wonderful to have such a special writer as Kate in my class. It is uplifting to appreciate where she is going as a young writer -especially after working with my target writers! Interesting choice of genre - I wonder what she will produce next!

    Tuesday, 21 February 2012

    February Update

    It is has been a full-on task with our goal setting interviews in week 3 this term. I was delighted though to hear the kids have such confidence when verbalising their writing goals. This reflected on the class program that I have been trialling using self and peer assessment and next steps. The tally system is working well alongside the use of highlighting the areas of focus. I have had only one pupil who so enjoys using the highlighter that it was featuring through out the writing -not just the aspects he was trying to improve! Great to see such enthusiasm!?
    We had our second PD on mimio this week and Mark has shown us some really interesting things to try and use. The free download OE Cake is a load of fun (gimmick also)
    I had my class program ready hum with the mimio this week especially in literacy but was dealt a tecky blow and couldn't use my laptop! It was a real shock as I have become so dependent on digitally planning and running my programs.

    Thursday, 2 February 2012

    A New Year . The first week

    It has been like the creation of a tornado when I think of beginning the year and getting things underway with my new class.

    I started slowly enough during the holidays reading Alison Davis (Building Comprehension Strategies in the Primary Years) as I lay in my hammock which is stretched between two old plum trees, (this gives the benefits of both shade and sustenance) and  started making mental then scribbled notes as I became more interested in her ideas -the first gentle stages of a tornado in the making.

    The tornado gained more energy as more notes, ideas and jottings, followed meetings and talking with my colleagues resulted in 'memos to self', gotta and gunna lists etc.

    The momentum has now geared up to quite an impressive speed as we throw in getting to know the new class, setting routines, finding starting points, checking in with the R.T.L over last years strategies for this years pupil's, early assessments, getting ready for goal setting interviews, and the class camp! I am probably at an F1 rating - just knocking over a few chimneys and dislodging a few cars of the road at this time.

    I am however trying to keep true to my aims of trying to get out of the way of my students -letting go so they can then take on more ownership of their learning. it feels a bit like that Pam Ayers poem when she is holding on to a cliff edge with her fingernails and God says to let go (Is anyone else there?) and also implementing purposeful interaction with learning partners.

    I have sorted out my writing groups and have lined the children up with buddies about the same ability -yes they could choose from within that group. I have also devised a sheet for them to refer to when they are giving feedback etc.. I am hoping that it will be well received and understood.  I have tried to write it in 'kidspeak' to make it more user friendly than the 'Hands" system we have used in previous years.

    I have been delighted with the enthusiasm the class shows towards writing and sharing their ideas. It all looks very positive! Let's hope this is not the 'eye of the storm'!
    Copy of the sheet #1
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